Historischer Wanderweg Sand

von Manfred Dasbach und Udo Harler

Kapitel 13
Die Quelle Kaltenbroich

Seite 39

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flagge eng 13: The spring in Kaltenbroich
Until the late fifties Kaltenbroich wasn’t connected to the public water supply system. The spring provided the inhabitants with drinking as well as household water. Here the women of the village also did their washing. The photos in the display box show us how after the cleaning, the washing placed on the meadow opposite was bleached in the sun. Other pictures show us villagers carrying buckets full of water they needed for the cattle and for home use. In those days, those who lived on the top of the hill had to do quite some carrying. This is the moment to mention that in the ‘Local History Museum for Mining, the Trades and Industry` in Bensberg there is a model of Kaltenbroich that gives you a vivid picture of what the little hamlet was like in 1910.

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